string AnimationName { get; set; }



The AnimationName property in the Sandbox.UI.BaseStyles class represents the animation-name CSS property. This property is used to specify the name of the @keyframes animation that should be applied to an element. It allows you to define which animation should be played on the element by referencing the name of the keyframes rule.


To use the AnimationName property, assign it a string value that corresponds to the name of a defined @keyframes animation. This will apply the specified animation to the element styled by the BaseStyles instance.


// Example of setting the AnimationName property
var styles = new BaseStyles();
styles.AnimationName = "fadeIn"; // This should match the name of a defined @keyframes animation

// Assuming you have a keyframes animation defined like this:
// @keyframes fadeIn {
//   from { opacity: 0; }
//   to { opacity: 1; }
// }