class SplitContainer : Panel



The SplitContainer class in the Sandbox.UI namespace is a user interface control that provides two resizable panes separated by a draggable splitter. This allows users to adjust the size of the panes dynamically. The control can be oriented either horizontally or vertically, depending on the Vertical property.


Instance Members

Member NameSummary
UpdateSplitFractionUpdates the split fraction between the two panels.
OnTemplateSlotHandles the assignment of elements to template slots.
SetPropertySets a property value by name.
LeftThe left, or top panel. Has class "split-left".
RightThe right, or bottom panel. Has class "split-right".
SplitterThe splitter control.
IsDraggingReturns true if the splitter is being dragged.
VerticalDetermines if the layout is vertical. If true, "Left" becomes "Top" and "Right" becomes "Bottom".
FractionCookieStores the splitter position in a cookie for automatic save and restore.
MinimumFractionLeftThe smallest the left section can be as a fraction (0-1). Also controls the largest the right section can be.
MinimumFractionRightThe smallest the right section can be as a fraction (0-1). Also controls the largest the left section can be.