System.Object InspectorObject { get; set; }



The InspectorObject property is a static member of the EditorTools class within the Sandbox.Utility namespace. It is used to set the object that will be inspected by the inspector in the editor. This property is particularly useful for developers who need to interact with the editor's inspection tools, allowing them to specify which object should be displayed and manipulated in the inspector panel.


To use the InspectorObject property, assign it an object that you want to be inspected in the editor. This is typically done in the context of editor scripting where you need to dynamically change the object being inspected based on certain conditions or user interactions.


// Example of setting an object to be inspected in the editor

// Assuming you have an object you want to inspect
GameObject myGameObject = new GameObject();

// Set the object to be inspected
EditorTools.InspectorObject = myGameObject;

// Now, myGameObject will be displayed in the inspector panel of the editor.