enum VRHandJoint : System.Enum



The VRHandJoint enumeration in the Sandbox.VR namespace represents the various joints of a virtual reality hand. This enum is used to identify specific joints within a VR hand model, allowing for precise tracking and manipulation of hand movements in a virtual environment.


Static Fields

Member Name Summary
Palm Represents the palm joint of the VR hand.
Wrist Represents the wrist joint of the VR hand.
ThumbMetacarpal Represents the metacarpal joint of the thumb.
ThumbProximal Represents the proximal joint of the thumb.
ThumbDistal Represents the distal joint of the thumb.
ThumbTip Represents the tip of the thumb.
IndexMetacarpal Represents the metacarpal joint of the index finger.
IndexProximal Represents the proximal joint of the index finger.
IndexIntermediate Represents the intermediate joint of the index finger.
IndexDistal Represents the distal joint of the index finger.
IndexTip Represents the tip of the index finger.
MiddleMetacarpal Represents the metacarpal joint of the middle finger.
MiddleProximal Represents the proximal joint of the middle finger.
MiddleIntermediate Represents the intermediate joint of the middle finger.
MiddleDistal Represents the distal joint of the middle finger.
MiddleTip Represents the tip of the middle finger.
RingMetacarpal Represents the metacarpal joint of the ring finger.
RingProximal Represents the proximal joint of the ring finger.
RingIntermediate Represents the intermediate joint of the ring finger.
RingDistal Represents the distal joint of the ring finger.
RingTip Represents the tip of the ring finger.
LittleMetacarpal Represents the metacarpal joint of the little finger.
LittleProximal Represents the proximal joint of the little finger.
LittleIntermediate Represents the intermediate joint of the little finger.
LittleDistal Represents the distal joint of the little finger.
LittleTip Represents the tip of the little finger.