Sandbox.VRWorldInput/HandSources HandSource { get; set; }



The HandSource property of the VRWorldInput class specifies which hand should be used for VR input. This property is crucial for determining the source of input in a virtual reality environment, allowing developers to specify whether the left or right hand should be used for interactions.


To use the HandSource property, you need to have an instance of the VRWorldInput component. You can then set or get the HandSource to determine or specify which hand is being used for input.


// Example of setting the HandSource property
VRWorldInput vrInput = new VRWorldInput();
vrInput.HandSource = VRWorldInput.HandSources.Left; // Set to use the left hand

// Example of getting the HandSource property
VRWorldInput.HandSources currentHand = vrInput.HandSource;
if (currentHand == VRWorldInput.HandSources.Right)
    // Perform actions specific to the right hand