class VolumetricFogParameters



The VolumetricFogParameters class in the Sandbox namespace is used to configure the parameters for volumetric fog effects in a scene. This class provides various properties to control aspects such as fog density, scattering, and indirect lighting.


Instance Properties

Member NameSummary
EnabledIndicates whether the fog system is enabled.
ForceNoClipmapsObsolete. This property is no longer recommended for use.
ContinuousModeObsolete. This property is no longer recommended for use.
AnisotropyLevel of anisotropy.
ScatteringScattering value.
DrawDistanceDraw distance.
FadeInStartStart distance where fading begins.
FadeInEndEnd distance where fading concludes.
IndirectStrengthStrength of indirect illumination.
BakedIndirectTextureProvides indirect lighting from a baked volume texture. This gets compiled with your map and is provided by an env_volumetric_controller.