Networking & Multiplayer

The networking system in s&box is purposefully simple and easy. Our initial aim isn’t to provide a bullet proof server-authoritative networking system. Our aim is to provide a system that is really easy to use and understand.


Here’s a quick cheat sheet for the network system, to get you started.

Create a new lobby

Networking.CreateLobby( new LobbyConfig()
  MaxPlayers = 8,
  Privacy = LobbyPrivacy.Public,
  Name = "My Lobby Name"
} );

List all available lobbies

list = await Networking.QueryLobbies();

Join an existing lobby

Networking.Connect( lobbyId );

Enable GameObject Networking

Make a GameObject networked by changing its Network Mode here to Network Object

Destroy Networked GameObject


Instantiating a Networked GameObject

var go = PlayerPrefab.Clone( SpawnPoint.Transform.World );


public void OnJump()
	Log.Info( $"{this} Has Jumped!" );