Euler angles. Unlike a Rotation, Euler angles can represent multiple revolutions (rotations) around an axis, but suffer from issues like gimbal lock and lack of a defined "up" vector. Use Rotation for most cases.
Euler angles. Unlike a Rotation, Euler angles can represent multiple revolutions (rotations) around an axis, but suffer from issues like gimbal lock and lack of a defined "up" vector. Use Rotation for most cases.
Member Name | Summary |
Random | Returns the angles of a uniformly random rotation. |
Zero | An angle constant that has all its values set to 0. Use this instead of making a static 0,0,0 object yourself. |
Parse | Parses a string to create an Angles object. |
TryParse | Tries to parse a string to create an Angles object. |
ClampAngle | Clamps an angle to a specified range. |
NormalizeAngle | Normalizes an angle to a specified range. |
Lerp | Linearly interpolates between two angles. |
AngleVector | Converts an angle to a direction vector. |
Member Name | Summary |
ToRotation | Converts these Euler angles to a rotation. The angles will be normalized. |
AsVector3 | Return as a Vector3, where x = pitch etc. |
IsNearlyZero | Checks if the angles are nearly zero within a specified tolerance. |
WithPitch | Returns a new Angles object with the specified pitch. |
WithYaw | Returns a new Angles object with the specified yaw. |
WithRoll | Returns a new Angles object with the specified roll. |
Clamped | Returns clamped version of this object, meaning the angle on each axis is transformed to range of [0,360). |
LerpTo | Linearly interpolates this angle towards a target angle. |
SnapToGrid | Snaps the angles to a specified grid size. |
Normal | Returns normalized version of this object, meaning the angle on each axis is normalized to range of (-180,180]. |
Forward | The forward direction vector for this angle. |
Member Name | Summary |
pitch | The pitch component, typically up/down. |
yaw | The yaw component, typically left/right. |
roll | The roll component, basically rotation around the axis. |