class ControlWidget : Widget



The ControlWidget class in the Editor namespace is an abstract class used to edit the value of a single SerializedProperty. It provides a framework for creating custom editor controls within the s&box editor environment.


Static Members

Member NameSummary
CreateCreates a new instance of a ControlWidget for a given SerializedProperty.
TryCreateGenericObjectControlWidgetAttempts to create a generic object control widget for a given SerializedProperty.
ControlRadiusDefines the radius of the control.
ControlColorSpecifies the default color of the control.
ControlRowHeightSpecifies the height of the control row.
ControlHighlightPrimarySpecifies the primary highlight color of the control.
ControlHighlightSecondarySpecifies the secondary highlight color of the control.

Instance Members

Member NameSummary
StartEditingSelects this widget and starts editing.
ThinkPerforms per-frame logic for the widget.
PrimeShould get called right after creation.
ToClipboardStringConverts the widget's state to a string suitable for clipboard operations.
FromClipboardStringRestores the widget's state from a clipboard string.
SerializedPropertyGets or sets the SerializedProperty associated with this widget.
CellAlignmentIf none, when in a grid, the control will fill the entire cell.
IsWideModeIf true, the control prefers to be full inspector width with the label above it.
IncludeLabelIf true (default), a label is included next to the control.
IsControlActiveIndicates whether the control is currently active.
IsControlHoveredIndicates whether the control is currently hovered.
IsControlDisabledIndicates whether the control is currently disabled.
IsControlButtonIndicates whether the control functions as a button.
TintGets or sets the tint color of the control.
SupportsMultiEditIndicates whether the control supports multi-editing.
PaintBackgroundIndicates whether the control should paint its background.