Rotation CalculateSelectionBasis()



The CalculateSelectionBasis method is a virtual method in the Editor.MeshEditor.EdgeTool class. It is designed to calculate the rotational basis for the current selection of mesh edges. This method returns a Rotation object that represents the orientation of the selected edges, which can be used for further transformations such as rotation or scaling.


To use the CalculateSelectionBasis method, you need to have an instance of the EdgeTool class. This method does not take any parameters and returns a Rotation object. It is typically used in the context of mesh editing where you need to determine the orientation of selected edges for transformation operations.


// Assuming 'edgeTool' is an instance of Editor.MeshEditor.EdgeTool
Rotation selectionBasis = edgeTool.CalculateSelectionBasis();

// Use the selectionBasis for further operations
// For example, applying a rotation to the selected edges
// edgeTool.RotateSelection(selectionBasis);