static bool OrbitCamera( Sandbox.Gizmo/Instance self, SceneCamera camera, Widget canvas, System.Single& distance )



The OrbitCamera method is a static extension method for the Gizmo.Instance class, provided by the Editor.SceneEditorExtensions class. This method is used to enable orbiting functionality for a camera around a specified gizmo instance within a scene editor environment. It calculates the orbiting behavior based on the input parameters and updates the camera's position accordingly.


To use the OrbitCamera method, you need to have a Gizmo.Instance, a SceneCamera, and a Widget representing the canvas. You also need to provide a reference to a float variable that will store the distance from the camera to the gizmo. This method will return a bool indicating whether the orbit operation was successful.

Here is how you can call the method:

Gizmo.Instance gizmoInstance = ...; // Your gizmo instance
SceneCamera sceneCamera = ...; // Your scene camera
Widget canvas = ...; // Your canvas widget
float distance = 0.0f;

bool success = gizmoInstance.OrbitCamera(sceneCamera, canvas, ref distance);


Gizmo.Instance gizmoInstance = new Gizmo.Instance();
SceneCamera sceneCamera = new SceneCamera();
Widget canvas = new Widget();
float distance = 0.0f;

bool success = gizmoInstance.OrbitCamera(sceneCamera, canvas, ref distance);

if (success)
    // Orbiting was successful, you can use the updated distance
    Console.WriteLine($"Camera is orbiting at a distance of {distance}.");
    // Handle the failure case
    Console.WriteLine("Failed to orbit the camera.");