void OnPhysicsChanged()



The OnPhysicsChanged method is a member of the Collider class in the Sandbox framework. This method is marked as obsolete, indicating that it is no longer recommended for use and may be removed in future versions. It is intended to be called when the physics properties of the collider have changed. However, due to its obsolete status, developers should avoid using this method and look for alternative approaches to handle physics changes.


Since OnPhysicsChanged is marked as obsolete, it is advised not to use this method in new code. Instead, consider using other mechanisms provided by the Sandbox framework to handle changes in physics properties. If you have existing code that uses this method, plan to refactor it to remove dependencies on obsolete methods.


// Example of how this method might have been used before it was marked obsolete
// Note: This is for illustrative purposes only and should not be used in new code.

public class MyCollider : Collider
    public override void OnPhysicsChanged()
        // Custom logic to handle physics changes
        // This method is obsolete and should not be used in new implementations