class ITagSet



The ITagSet interface in the Sandbox namespace provides a contract for managing a collection of tags. It allows adding, removing, and querying tags, as well as performing operations on sets of tags.


Instance Methods

Member NameSummary
RemoveAllRemove all tags from the set.
HasCheck if a specific tag is present in the set.
AddAdd a tag to the set.
RemoveRemove a specific tag from the set.
SetSet the state of a specific tag in the set.
TryGetAllTry to get all tags in the set.
GetTokensRetrieve all tag tokens in the set.
SetFromSet tags from another ITagSet.
ToggleToggle the presence of a specific tag in the set.
HasAnyCheck if any of the specified tags are present in the set.
HasAllCheck if all of the specified tags are present in the set.
GetEnumeratorGet an enumerator for iterating through the tags in the set.