SceneParticles SceneObject { get; set; }



The SceneObject property of the LegacyParticleSystem class represents the SceneParticles instance associated with this particle system. This property allows you to access and manipulate the scene-level particle effects that are part of the legacy particle system.


To use the SceneObject property, you must first have an instance of the LegacyParticleSystem class. You can then access the SceneObject property to interact with the scene particles.


// Example of accessing the SceneObject property
LegacyParticleSystem legacyParticleSystem = new LegacyParticleSystem();
SceneParticles sceneParticles = legacyParticleSystem.SceneObject;

// You can now manipulate the sceneParticles as needed
sceneParticles.SomeMethod(); // Replace with actual method calls on SceneParticles