class ManualHitbox : Component



The ManualHitbox class in the Sandbox namespace is a component that allows developers to manually place a hitbox on a GameObject, rather than relying on a model's predefined hitboxes. This can be useful for custom collision detection and interaction logic.


Instance Properties

Member NameSummary
TargetThe target GameObject to report in trace hits. If this is unset, it defaults to the GameObject on which this component is attached.
ShapeThe shape of the hitbox.
RadiusThe radius of the hitbox.
CenterAThe first center point of the hitbox.
CenterBThe second center point of the hitbox.
HitboxTagsThe tags associated with this hitbox.

Instance Methods

Member NameSummary
RebuildRebuilds the hitbox, updating its configuration and properties.
UpdatePositionsUpdates the positions of the hitbox based on the current state of the GameObject.