Material CreateCopy()



The CreateCopy method is a member of the Material class in the Sandbox API. This method is used to create a duplicate of the current Material instance. The new material will have the same properties and settings as the original, allowing for modifications without affecting the original material.


To use the CreateCopy method, you must have an instance of a Material object. Call the method on this instance to obtain a new Material object that is a copy of the original.


// Assume 'originalMaterial' is an existing Material instance
Material copiedMaterial = originalMaterial.CreateCopy();

// Now 'copiedMaterial' is a separate instance with the same properties as 'originalMaterial'.
// You can modify 'copiedMaterial' without affecting 'originalMaterial'.

// Example of modifying the copied material
copiedMaterial.Set("Color", new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); // Set the color to red