ModelBuilder AddCollisionMesh( Vector3[] vertices, System.Int32[] indices )



The AddCollisionMesh method is part of the ModelBuilder class in the Sandbox API. This method allows you to add a collision mesh to the model being constructed. A collision mesh is defined by a set of vertices and indices, which describe the shape and structure of the mesh used for collision detection.


To use the AddCollisionMesh method, you need to provide two parameters:

  • vertices: An array of Vector3 objects representing the vertices of the collision mesh.
  • indices: An array of int values that define the order in which the vertices are connected to form the mesh.

This method returns the ModelBuilder instance, allowing for method chaining.


// Example of using AddCollisionMesh
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();

// Define vertices for the collision mesh
Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[]
    new Vector3(0, 0, 0),
    new Vector3(1, 0, 0),
    new Vector3(0, 1, 0),
    new Vector3(0, 0, 1)

// Define indices for the collision mesh
int[] indices = new int[]
    0, 1, 2, // First triangle
    0, 2, 3  // Second triangle

// Add the collision mesh to the model
modelBuilder.AddCollisionMesh(vertices, indices);

// Continue building the model...
var model = modelBuilder.Create();