GameObject GameObjectValue { get; set; }



The GameObjectValue property of the ParticleControlPoint struct represents a reference to a GameObject that is associated with the particle control point. This property is used to link a specific game object to the particle system, allowing for dynamic interactions and transformations based on the game object's state or position.


To use the GameObjectValue property, you need to have an instance of the ParticleControlPoint struct. You can then set or get the GameObjectValue to associate or retrieve the game object linked to the particle control point.

Example usage:

ParticleControlPoint controlPoint = new ParticleControlPoint();
controlPoint.GameObjectValue = someGameObject;

// Access the GameObject associated with the control point
GameObject associatedObject = controlPoint.GameObjectValue;


ParticleControlPoint controlPoint = new ParticleControlPoint();
controlPoint.GameObjectValue = someGameObject;

// Access the GameObject associated with the control point
GameObject associatedObject = controlPoint.GameObjectValue;