BevelEdges | Bevels the specified edges with given parameters. |
VertexHandleFromIndex | Retrieves a vertex handle from an index. |
HalfEdgeHandleFromIndex | Retrieves a half-edge handle from an index. |
FaceHandleFromIndex | Retrieves a face handle from an index. |
MergeMesh | Merges another mesh into this one with a transformation. |
AddVertex | Adds a vertex to the topology. |
AddVertices | Adds multiple vertices to the topology. |
AddFace | Connects vertices to form a face. |
CalculateBounds | Calculates the bounds of all vertices. |
Scale | Scales all vertices by a given vector. |
SetFaceMaterial | Assigns a material to a face. |
GetFaceMaterial | Retrieves the material used by a face. |
GetEdgeSmoothing | Gets the smoothing mode of an edge. |
SetEdgeSmoothing | Sets the smoothing mode of an edge. |
SetSmoothingAngle | Sets the smoothing angle for the mesh. |
TriangleToFace | Converts a triangle index to a face handle. |
ExtrudeFaces | Extrudes multiple faces along an offset. |
DetachFaces | Detaches multiple faces from the mesh. |
ExtendEdges | Extends the specified edges by a given amount. |
CombineFaces | Combines multiple faces into one. |
DissolveEdges | Dissolves the specified edges under certain conditions. |
MergeEdges | Merges two edges into one. |
FlipAllFaces | Flips all faces in the mesh. |
MergeVerticesWithinDistance | Merges vertices within a specified distance. |
CreateFaceInEdgeLoop | Adds a face filling in the open edge loop specified by the provided edge. |
GetHalfEdgeFace | Gets the face connected to a half edge. |
IsEdgeOpen | Determines if the specified edge is open. |
FindEdgeRing | Finds all edges in the ring with the specified edge. |
BridgeEdges | Bridges two edges by creating a face connecting them. |
ConnectEdges | Connects specified edges by adding a vertex to their midpoint. |
AddVertexToEdge | Adds a vertex to an edge at a specified parameter. |
RemoveVertex | Removes a vertex from the mesh. |
BevelVertices | Bevels the specified vertices by a given distance. |
GetFacesConnectedToVertex | Gets all faces connected to a vertex. |
FindFaceVertexConnectedToVertex | Finds the face vertex connected to another vertex. |
GetNextVertexInFace | Gets the next vertex in a face. |
ConnectVertices | Connects two vertices with an edge. |
InsideTriangle | Determines if a point is inside a triangle. |
FindEdgeLoopForEdges | Finds the edge loop for the specified edges. |
FindEdgeIslands | Finds edge islands in the mesh. |
FindEdgeRibs | Finds edge ribs in the mesh. |
GetEdgeLine | Gets the start and end points of an edge. |
GetEdgeVertices | Gets the two vertices of a half edge. |
SetVertexPosition | Sets the position of a vertex. |
GetVertexPosition | Gets the position of a vertex. |
GetVertexPositions | Gets the positions of all vertices. |
ComputeFaceNormal | Computes the normal of a face. |
GetFaceCenter | Calculates the center point of a face. |
GetEdges | Gets the start and end points of all edges. |
GetFaceVertexPositions | Gets the vertex positions of a face. |
GetFaceVerticesConnectedToFace | Gets vertices connected to a face. |
GetVertexConnectedToFaceVertex | Gets the vertex connected to a face vertex. |
ComputeFaceTextureParametersFromCoordinates | Computes texture parameters from coordinates. |
ComputeFaceTextureCoordinatesFromParameters | Computes texture coordinates from parameters. |
ApplyTransform | Applies a transformation to all vertices. |
GetFaceEdges | Gets all edge handles of a face. |
GetFaceVertices | Gets all vertex handles of a face. |
GetTextureOffset | Gets the texture offset of a face. |
SetTextureOffset | Sets the texture offset of a face. |
GetTextureScale | Gets the texture scale of a face. |
SetTextureScale | Sets the texture scale of a face. |
TextureAlignToGrid | Aligns face texture properties to grid. |
TextureAlignToFace | Aligns face texture properties to face. |
SetFaceTextureCoords | Sets face texture coordinates. |
SetFaceTextureParameters | Sets face texture properties. |
GetFaceTextureParameters | Gets face texture properties. |
RemoveFaces | Removes specified faces from the mesh. |
RemoveVertices | Removes specified vertices from the mesh. |
RemoveEdges | Removes specified edges from the mesh. |
CollapseEdge | Collapses an edge into a vertex. |
CollapseFace | Collapses a face into a vertex. |
SplitEdges | Splits the specified edges. |
CollapseEdges | Collapses the specified edges. |
Rebuild | Triangulates the polygons into a model. |
GetEdgesConnectedToFace | Gets edges connected to a face. |
GetVerticesConnectedToEdge | Gets vertices connected to an edge. |
GetEdgeVertexPositions | Gets vertex positions of an edge. |
GetOppositeFaceConnectedToEdge | Gets the opposite face connected to an edge. |
QuadSliceFaces | Slices faces into quads. |
RemoveBadFaces | Removes faces that are considered bad. |
AverageEdgeUVs | Averages UVs across edges. |
AverageVertexUVs | Averages UVs across vertices. |
GetBestPlanesForEdgeBetweenFaces | Gets the best planes for an edge between two faces. |
GetNearestEdgesBetweenFaces | Finds the nearest edges between two faces. |
GetFacePlaneUsingEdge | Gets the plane of a face using an edge. |
GetOppositeHalfEdge | Gets the opposite half-edge of a given edge. |
GetTextureExtents | Gets the texture extents for a face. |
JustifyFaceTextureParameters | Justifies face texture parameters. |
UnionExtentsForFaces | Unions extents for multiple faces. |
CreateFace | Creates a face with specified parameters. |
JsonRead | Reads a PolygonMesh from JSON. |
JsonWrite | Writes a PolygonMesh to JSON. |