class RenderAttributes



The RenderAttributes class in the Sandbox namespace provides a set of methods for managing rendering attributes. It allows setting and retrieving various types of data associated with rendering, such as integers, booleans, vectors, and textures. This class is essential for customizing rendering behavior in the s&box environment.


Instance Methods

Member NameSummary
ClearClears all render attributes.
SetComboSets a combo attribute with an integer value.
SetCombo (Obsolete)Sets a combo attribute with an enum value. Please use SetComboEnum instead.
SetComboEnumSets a combo attribute with a generic enum value.
SetComboSets a combo attribute with a boolean value.
GetComboEnumGets a combo attribute as a generic enum value.
GetComboBoolGets a combo attribute as a boolean value.
GetComboIntGets a combo attribute as an integer value.
SetSets an attribute with an integer value.
SetSets an attribute with a texture and mip level.
SetSets an attribute with a float value.
SetSets an attribute with a double value.
SetSets an attribute with a string value.
SetSets an attribute with a boolean value.
SetSets an attribute with a Vector4 value.
SetSets an attribute with an Angles value.
SetSets an attribute with a Vector3 value.
SetSets an attribute with a Vector2 value.
SetSets an attribute with a GpuBuffer value.
SetDataSets data for an attribute using a span.
SetDataSets data for an attribute using a generic value.
SetDataSets data for an attribute using an array.
SetDataSets data for an attribute using a list.
GetBoolGets a boolean attribute value.
GetVectorGets a Vector3 attribute value.
GetVector4Gets a Vector4 attribute value.
GetAnglesGets an Angles attribute value.
GetFloatGets a float attribute value.
GetIntGets an integer attribute value.
GetMatrixGets a Matrix attribute value.
GetTextureGets a Texture attribute value.