class RenderTarget



The RenderTarget class in the Sandbox namespace is a sealed class that essentially wraps a couple of textures used for rendering: the color texture and the depth texture. It provides methods to create temporary render targets and manage their lifecycle.


Static Members

Member NameSummary
GetTemporaryCreates a temporary render target with specified width, height, color format, depth format, MSAA, and number of mipmaps.
GetTemporaryCreates a temporary render target with a size factor, color format, depth format, MSAA, and number of mipmaps.
FromCreates a render target from existing color and depth textures.

Instance Members

Member NameSummary
DisposeStop using this texture, return it to the pool.
WidthWidth of the render target.
HeightHeight of the render target.
ColorTargetThe target color texture.
DepthTargetThe target depth texture.