class SceneLineObject : SceneDynamicObject



The SceneLineObject class is a part of the Sandbox namespace and is used to draw lines within a scene. It extends the SceneDynamicObject class, providing additional functionality specific to line rendering.


Instance Members

Member NameSummary
StartLineBegins a new line sequence.
AddLinePoint(Vector3&, Color, float)Adds a point to the current line with specified position, color, and width.
AddLinePoint(Vector3&, Color, float, float)Adds a point to the current line with specified position, color, width, and texture coordinate.
AddLinePoint(Vector3&, Vector3&, Color, float, float)Adds a point to the current line with specified position, normal, color, width, and texture coordinate.
EndLineEnds the current line sequence.
LineTextureGets or sets the texture applied to the line.
StartCapGets or sets the style of the line's starting cap.
EndCapGets or sets the style of the line's ending cap.
FaceGets or sets the face mode of the line.
WireframeGets or sets a value indicating whether the line is rendered in wireframe mode.
SmoothnessGets or sets the smoothness level of the line.
OpaqueGets or sets a value indicating whether the line is opaque.