class SerializedObject



The SerializedObject class in the Sandbox namespace represents an object or data that can be accessed as an object. It provides methods and properties to interact with serialized properties, allowing for dynamic data manipulation and retrieval.


Instance Methods

Member NameSummary
GetPropertyRetrieves a serialized property by name.
TryGetPropertyAttempts to retrieve a serialized property by name, returning a boolean indicating success.
GetEnumeratorReturns an enumerator that iterates through the serialized properties.
NoteChangedNotifies that a child property has changed.
NotePreChangeNotifies before a child property changes.
NoteStartEditNotifies when editing of a child property starts.
NoteFinishEditNotifies when editing of a child property finishes.

Instance Properties

Member NameSummary
ParentPropertyGets the parent property of this serialized object.
TypeIconGets the icon representing the type of this serialized object.
TypeNameGets the name of the type of this serialized object.
TypeTitleGets the title of the type of this serialized object.
OnPropertyPreChangeDelegate for handling pre-change events of properties.
OnPropertyChangedDelegate for handling property changed events.
OnPropertyStartEditDelegate for handling start edit events of properties.
OnPropertyFinishEditDelegate for handling finish edit events of properties.
IsMultipleTargetsIndicates if the target is multiple objects.
TargetsProvides a list of actual target objects, if applicable.