Texture Texture { get; set; }



The Texture property of the TrailTextureConfig struct specifies the texture to be applied to a trail. This property is crucial for defining the visual appearance of trails rendered using the TrailRenderer component. The texture can be any valid Texture object that you want to use for the trail's surface.


To use the Texture property, you need to have an instance of TrailTextureConfig. You can set this property to any Texture object that you have loaded or created in your game. This will determine the visual pattern that appears on the trail.

Example usage:

TrailTextureConfig trailConfig = new TrailTextureConfig();
trailConfig.Texture = myTrailTexture; // Assign your texture here


// Example of setting the Texture property
TrailTextureConfig trailConfig = new TrailTextureConfig();
trailConfig.Texture = myTrailTexture; // Assign your texture here

// Assuming 'myTrailTexture' is a valid Texture object
// This will apply 'myTrailTexture' to the trail rendered by TrailRenderer