Rotation Rotation { get; set; }



The Rotation property of the WorldPanel class represents the orientation of the world panel in 3D space. This property allows you to get or set the rotation of the panel, which affects how it is displayed within the 3D environment.


To use the Rotation property, you can access it directly from an instance of the WorldPanel class. You can assign a new Rotation value to change the orientation of the panel or retrieve the current rotation to understand its current orientation.


// Create a new WorldPanel instance
WorldPanel myPanel = new WorldPanel();

// Set the rotation of the panel to a specific orientation
myPanel.Rotation = Rotation.FromAxis(Vector3.Up, 45.0f); // Rotate 45 degrees around the Up axis

// Retrieve the current rotation of the panel
Rotation currentRotation = myPanel.Rotation;

// Output the current rotation
// Note: Use a logging system instead of Console.WriteLine
Log.Info($"Current Rotation: {currentRotation}");