SceneTrace MeshTrace { get; set; }



The MeshTrace property in the Editor.EditorTool class provides a mechanism to perform a trace operation against the render meshes in the scene, excluding the physics world. This trace is executed using the current position of the mouse cursor. It is particularly useful in scenarios where you need to interact with or select visual elements in the scene without considering their physical properties.


To use the MeshTrace property, you can access it from an instance of the EditorTool class. This property returns a SceneTrace object that can be used to determine what render mesh is under the mouse cursor at any given time.

Example usage:

var tool = new EditorTool();
var traceResult = tool.MeshTrace;

if (traceResult.Hit)
    // Handle the trace hit, e.g., select the object
    var hitObject = traceResult.Entity;
    // Perform operations with hitObject


var tool = new EditorTool();
var traceResult = tool.MeshTrace;

if (traceResult.Hit)
    // Handle the trace hit, e.g., select the object
    var hitObject = traceResult.Entity;
    // Perform operations with hitObject