SceneTrace Trace { get; set; }



The Trace property of the EditorTool class provides a mechanism to create a scene trace against the current scene using the current mouse cursor position. This property is useful for determining what objects or elements are under the cursor within the scene, allowing for interactions such as selection or manipulation.


To use the Trace property, you typically access it within an editor tool that extends EditorTool. The property returns a SceneTrace object, which can be used to gather information about the scene at the cursor's location.

Example usage:

public class MyCustomTool : EditorTool
    public override void OnUpdate()
        // Perform a trace using the current mouse cursor position
        SceneTrace traceResult = this.Trace;

        if (traceResult.Hit)
            // Handle the trace result, e.g., highlight the object
            GameObject hitObject = traceResult.Entity;
            // Perform operations on hitObject


public class MyCustomTool : EditorTool
    public override void OnUpdate()
        // Perform a trace using the current mouse cursor position
        SceneTrace traceResult = this.Trace;

        if (traceResult.Hit)
            // Handle the trace result, e.g., highlight the object
            GameObject hitObject = traceResult.Entity;
            // Perform operations on hitObject