Control | Holds fully realized controls to manipulate some value. |
Draw | Draws a shape using the gizmo library. |
World | Represents the scene world associated with the gizmo. |
PreviousRay | The ray from the previous frame. |
CurrentRay | The current ray being used by the gizmo. |
RayDepth | The depth of the ray in the scene. |
ControlMode | The current control mode of the gizmo. |
Transform | The transform associated with the gizmo. |
Path | The path associated with the gizmo. |
Object | The object currently being manipulated by the gizmo. |
Camera | The camera associated with the gizmo. |
IsHovered | Indicates if the gizmo is currently hovered over. |
IsSelected | Indicates if the gizmo is currently selected. |
IsChildSelected | Indicates if a child of the gizmo is selected. |
WasClicked | Indicates if the gizmo was clicked. |
HasSelected | Indicates if the gizmo has any selected elements. |
HasHovered | Indicates if the gizmo has any hovered elements. |
HasClicked | Indicates if the gizmo has been clicked. |
HasMouseFocus | Indicates if the gizmo has mouse focus. |
CursorPosition | The current cursor position, in screen space. |
CursorMoveDelta | The delta of cursor movement between this frame and last, in screen space. |
CursorDragDelta | The delta of cursor movement between last press and now, in screen space. If left mouse isn't down, will return CursorMoveDelta. |
KeyboardModifiers | The current keyboard modifiers. |
IsCtrlPressed | Indicates if the Ctrl key is pressed. |
IsShiftPressed | Indicates if the Shift key is pressed. |
IsAltPressed | Indicates if the Alt key is pressed. |
WasLeftMouseReleased | Indicates if the left mouse button was released. |
IsLeftMouseDown | Indicates if the left mouse button is down. |
WasLeftMousePressed | Indicates if the left mouse button was pressed. |
WasRightMouseReleased | Indicates if the right mouse button was released. |
IsRightMouseDown | Indicates if the right mouse button is down. |
WasRightMousePressed | Indicates if the right mouse button was pressed. |
IsDoubleClicked | Indicates if the gizmo was double-clicked. |
CameraTransform | The camera's transform in world space. |
LocalCameraTransform | The camera's transform in local space. |
IsPressed | Indicates if the gizmo is pressed. Obsolete: Use Gizmo.Pressed.This |
HasPressed | Indicates if the gizmo has been pressed. Obsolete: Use Gizmo.Pressed.Any |
PressRay | The ray used when the gizmo is pressed. Obsolete: Use Gizmo.Pressed.Ray |
Settings | Settings related to the gizmo's scene. |
Hitbox | Allows creating a gizmo hitbox which will be interactable using the mouse or VR controller. |