Vector3 UpdateMove( Rotation eyes, Vector3 input )



The UpdateMove method is a virtual method in the MoveMode class, which is part of the Sandbox.Movement namespace. This method is responsible for processing input and returning the desired velocity, often referred to as "WishVelocity". It takes into account the player's current view direction and input vector to calculate the movement direction and speed.


To use the UpdateMove method, you need to override it in a derived class of MoveMode. This method should be called whenever you need to update the player's movement based on input. The method requires two parameters:

  • eyes: A Rotation object representing the player's current view direction.
  • input: A Vector3 object representing the player's input direction and magnitude.

The method returns a Vector3 representing the calculated wish velocity based on the input and view direction.


public class CustomMoveMode : MoveMode
    public override Vector3 UpdateMove(Rotation eyes, Vector3 input)
        // Example implementation: Calculate wish velocity based on input and view direction
        Vector3 forward = eyes.Forward;
        Vector3 right = eyes.Right;

        // Calculate the wish direction
        Vector3 wishDirection = (forward * input.x) + (right * input.y);
        wishDirection = wishDirection.Normal;

        // Calculate the wish velocity
        float wishSpeed = input.z; // Assume input.z is the desired speed
        Vector3 wishVelocity = wishDirection * wishSpeed;

        return wishVelocity;