Position | Position of this body in world coordinates. |
World | The physics world this body belongs to. |
Rotation | Rotation of the physics body in world space. |
Scale | Obsolete. |
Velocity | Linear velocity of this body in world space. |
AngularVelocity | Angular velocity of this body in world space. |
MassCenter | Center of mass for this physics body in world space coordinates. |
LocalMassCenter | Center of mass for this physics body relative to its origin. |
OverrideMassCenter | Is this physics body mass calculated or set directly. |
Mass | Mass of this physics body. |
GravityEnabled | Whether gravity is enabled for this body or not. |
EnableCollisionSounds | Whether to play collision sounds. |
GravityScale | Scale the gravity relative to the physics world's gravity. |
UseController | If true, creates a controller for this physics body for keyframed physics objects. |
EnableTouch | Enables Touch callbacks on all PhysicsShapes of this body. |
EnableTouchPersists | Sets persistent touch events on all shapes of this body. |
EnableSolidCollisions | Sets solid collisions on all shapes of this body. |
BodyType | Movement type of physics body, either Static, Keyframed, Dynamic. |
AutoSleep | Whether this body is allowed to automatically go into "sleep" after inactivity. |
Transform | Transform of this physics body. |
ShapeCount | How many shapes belong to this body. |
Shapes | All shapes that belong to this body. |
Enabled | Whether this body is enabled or not. |
MotionEnabled | Controls physics simulation on this body. |
Sleeping | Physics bodies automatically go to sleep after inactivity to save on performance. |
SpeculativeContactEnabled | Obsolete. |
Parent | The physics body we are attached to, if any. |
SelfOrParent | Returns Parent, or if there is no parent, returns itself. |
PhysicsGroup | The physics group we belong to. |
LinearDamping | Generic linear damping, i.e. how much the physics body will slow down on its own. |
AngularDamping | Generic angular damping, i.e. how much the physics body will slow down on its own. |
LinearDrag | Amount of air drag to be applied to linear movement. |
AngularDrag | Amount of air drag to be applied to angular movement/rotation. |
DragEnabled | Whether air drag forces are enabled for this body. |
Inertia | The diagonal elements of the inertia tensor matrix. |
InertiaRotation | The orientation of the principal axes of inertia tensor matrix. |
Density | Returns average of densities for all physics shapes of this body. |
LastWaterEffect | Time since last water splash effect. Used internally. |
SurfaceMaterial | Sets surface material on all child PhysicsShapes. |
Surface | Surface material of the physics body. |
GroupName | What is this body called in the group? |
GroupIndex | Return the index of this body in its PhysicsGroup. |
OnIntersectionStart | Event triggered when an intersection starts. |
OnIntersectionUpdate | Event triggered when an intersection updates. |
OnIntersectionEnd | Event triggered when an intersection ends. |
Locking | Physics lock state of the body. |