class SceneCamera



The SceneCamera class in the Sandbox namespace represents a camera and holds render hooks. This camera can be used to draw tool windows and scene panels.



Member NameSummary
BloomAccess tonemapping properties of camera
AttributesRender attributes associated with the camera.
NameThe name of this camera for debugging purposes.
ExcludeTagsScene objects with any of these tags won't be rendered by this camera.
RenderTagsOnly scene objects with one of these tags will be rendered by this camera.
OnRenderOpaqueCalled when rendering the opaque pass.
OnRenderPostProcessCalled when rendering the post process pass.
OnRenderTransparentCalled when rendering the transparent pass.
OnRenderOverlayCalled when rendering the camera's overlay.
OnRenderUICalled when rendering the UI.
SizeThe size of the screen. Allows us to work out aspect ratio.
VolumetricFogControl volumetric fog parameters, expect this to take 1-2ms of your GPU frame time.
CubemapFogControl fog based on an image.
WorldThe world we're going to render.
WorldsYour camera can render multiple worlds.
PositionThe position of the scene's camera.
RotationThe rotation of the scene's camera.
AnglesThe rotation of the scene's camera.
FieldOfViewThe horizontal field of view of the Camera in degrees.
ZFarThe camera's zFar distance. This is the furthest distance this camera will be able to render.
ZNearThe camera's zNear distance. This is the closest distance this camera will be able to render.
OrthoWhether to use orthographic projection.
OrthoWidthNo longer used
OrthoHeightHeight of the ortho when Ortho is enabled.
DebugModeRender this camera using a different render mode.
WireframeModeRender this camera using a wireframe view.
ClearFlagsWhat kind of clearing should we do before we begin?
RectThe rect of the screen to render to. This is normalized, between 0 and 1.
BackgroundColorColor the scene camera clears the render target to.
AmbientLightColorThe color of the ambient light. Set it to black for no ambient light, alpha is used for lerping between IBL and constant color.
AntiAliasingEnable or disable anti-aliasing for this render.
EnablePostProcessingToggle all post processing effects for this camera. The default is on.
TargetEyeThe HMD eye that this camera is targeting. Use None for the user's monitor (i.e. the companion window).
WantsStereoSubmitSet this to false if you don't want the stereo renderer to submit this camera's texture to the compositor.
EnableDirectLightingEnable or disable direct lighting.
EnableIndirectLightingEnable or disable indirect lighting.
CustomProjectionMatrixAllows specifying a custom projection matrix for this camera.
TonemapAccess tonemapping properties of camera.


Member NameSummary
DisposeDisposes of the camera resources.
SetViewModelCameraSets the view model camera parameters.
GetFrustumGets the camera's frustum for a given pixel rectangle.
GetRayGets a ray from the camera through a given cursor position.
ToScreenConverts a world position to a screen position.
ToScreenNormalConverts a world position to a normalized screen position.
ToWorldConverts a screen position to a world position.