class SerializedProperty



The SerializedProperty class in the Sandbox namespace is an abstract class that provides a framework for handling serialized properties within the s&box environment. It offers a variety of methods and properties to manage and interact with serialized data, including setting and getting values, checking attributes, and handling multiple values.


Static Members

Member NameSummary
CreateCreates a new serialized property. Note: This method is obsolete. Use TypeLibrary.CreateProperty instead.

Instance Members

Member NameSummary
SetValueSets the value of the property.
GetValueGets the value of the property, with a default value if not set.
GetDefaultGet the default value of a specific property type.
HasAttributeChecks if the property has a specific attribute.
TryGetAttributeAttempts to get a specific attribute from the property.
GetAttributesGet all attributes from the property.
TryGetAsObjectAttempts to get the property as a serialized object.
GetKeyIf this entry is a dictionary, retrieves the key for it.
ShouldShowReturns true if this property should be shown in the inspector.
SetNullStateSets the null state of the property.
InvokeIf the property is a method, invokes it.


Property NameSummary
ParentGets the parent serialized object.
IsPropertyIndicates if this is a property.
IsFieldIndicates if this is a field.
IsMethodIndicates if this is a method.
NameGets the name of the property.
DisplayNameGets the display name of the property.
DescriptionGets the description of the property.
GroupNameGets the group name of the property.
OrderGets the order of the property.
IsEditableIndicates if the property is editable.
IsPublicIndicates if the property is public.
PropertyTypeGets the type of the property.
IsValidIndicates if the property is valid.
SourceFileThe source filename, if available.
SourceLineThe line in the source file, if available.
HasChangesReturns true if the current set value differs from the actual value.
AsAccesses the property as a specific type.
IsMultipleValuesTrue if this holds multiple values. That might all be the same.
IsMultipleDifferentValuesTrue if this holds multiple values, and they're all different.
MultiplePropertiesGet all properties if this holds multiple values.
IsNullableReturn true if this is a nullable value type.
NullableTypeIf this is a nullable type, this will return the nullable target type.
IsNullTrue if the value is null.