class MapNode



The MapNode class is a fundamental component used for representing objects within the world object tree in the s&box editor. It provides properties and methods to manage the node's position, orientation, and hierarchy within the map.


Instance Members

Member NameSummary
CopyCreates a copy of this map node.
RemoveRemoves this map node from its parent.
NameUser specified name of this node.
TypeStringNative C++ type name for this map node (useful for debugging).
PositionWorld position of this map node.
AnglesEuler angles of this map node.
ScaleNon-uniform scalar for this map node.
ParentThe parent node, at the top level this will be the MapWorld.
ChildrenEach MapNode can have many children. Children usually transform with their parents.
VisibleVisibility of this MapNode, e.g., if it's been hidden by the user.
WorldThe world this map node belongs to.
GeneratesEntityModelGeometryIndicates if this map node generates models to use.