class MoveMode : Component



The MoveMode class in the Sandbox.Movement namespace is an abstract class that defines a movement mode for a character. It extends the Component class, allowing it to be used as a component within the s&box game framework.


Instance Methods

Member NameSummary
UpdateAnimatorUpdate the animator which is available at Controller.Renderer.
ScoreHighest number becomes the new control mode.
PrePhysicsStepCalled before the physics step is run.
PostPhysicsStepCalled after the physics step is run.
UpdateRigidBodyUpdates the rigid body.
AddVelocityAdds velocity to the movement.
OnModeBeginThis mode has just started.
OnModeEndThis mode has stopped. We're swapping to another move mode.
IsStandableSuraceDetermines if the surface is standable.
IsStandableSurfaceDetermines if the surface is standable.
UpdateMoveRead inputs, return WishVelocity.

Instance Properties

Member NameSummary
AllowGroundingIndicates if grounding is allowed.
AllowFallingIndicates if falling is allowed.
ControllerGets the player controller associated with this move mode.