class SceneLight : SceneObject



The SceneLight class represents a generic point light scene object within a SceneWorld. It provides various properties to control the light's color, intensity, attenuation, and shadow settings.


Instance Properties

Member NameSummary
LightColorColor and brightness of the light
RadiusRadius of the light in units
ConstantAttenuationThe light attenuation constant term
LinearAttenuationThe light attenuation linear term
QuadraticAttenuationThe light attenuation quadratic term
ShadowTextureResolutionGet or set the resolution of the shadow map. If this is zero the engine will decide what it should use.
ShadowsEnabledEnable or disable shadow rendering
LightCookieAccess the LightCookie - which is a texture that gets drawn over the light
FogLightingControls the fog lighting mode
FogStrengthDetermines the strength of the fog effect