PhysicsTrace | Represents the physics trace builder used for constructing trace operations. |
Sphere | Casts a sphere from point A to point B. |
Sphere | Casts a sphere from a given position and direction, up to a given distance. |
Box | Casts a box from point A to point B. |
Box | Casts a box from a given position and direction, up to a given distance. |
Box | Casts a box from point A to point B. |
Box | Casts a box from a given position and direction, up to a given distance. |
Capsule | Casts a capsule. |
Capsule | Casts a capsule from point A to point B. |
Capsule | Casts a capsule from a given position and direction, up to a given distance. |
Ray | Casts a ray from point A to point B. |
Ray | Casts a ray from a given position and direction, up to a given distance. |
Body | Casts a PhysicsBody from its current position and rotation to desired end point. |
Body | Casts a PhysicsBody from its current position and rotation to desired end point. |
Body | Casts a PhysicsBody from a position and rotation to desired end point. |
Sweep | Sweeps each PhysicsShape of given PhysicsBody and returns the closest collision. |
Sweep | Sweeps each PhysicsShape of given PhysicsBody and returns the closest collision. |
Sweep | Creates a Trace.Sweep using the PhysicsBody's position as the starting position. |
FromTo | Sets the start and end positions of the trace request. |
FromTo | Sets the start transform and end position of the trace request. |
Size | Makes this trace an axis aligned box of given size. |
Size | Makes this trace an axis aligned box of given size. |
Size | Makes this trace an axis aligned box of given size. |
Rotated | Makes this a rotated trace, for tracing rotated boxes and capsules. |
Radius | Makes this trace a sphere of given radius. |
UseHitboxes | Should we hit hitboxes. |
UseRenderMeshes | Should we hit meshes too? This can be slow and only really recommended for editor work. |
UseRenderMeshes | Should we hit meshes too? This can be slow and only really recommended for editor work. |
UsePhysicsWorld | Should we hit physics objects? |
WithTag | Only return entities with this tag. |
WithAllTags | Only return entities with all of these tags. |
WithAllTags | Only return entities with all of these tags. |
WithAnyTags | Only return entities with any of these tags. |
WithAnyTags | Only return entities with any of these tags. |
WithoutTags | Only return entities without any of these tags. |
WithoutTags | Only return entities without any of these tags. |
WithCollisionRules | Use the collision rules of an object with the given tags. |
WithCollisionRules | Use the collision rules for the given set of tags. |
IgnoreGameObject | Do not hit this object. |
IgnoreGameObjectHierarchy | Do not hit this object. |
HitTriggers | Hit Triggers. |
HitTriggersOnly | Hit Only Triggers. |
IgnoreStatic | Do not hit static objects. |
IgnoreDynamic | Do not hit dynamic objects. |
IgnoreKeyframed | Do not hit keyframed objects. |
Run | Run the trace and return the result. The result will return the first hit. |
RunAll | Run the trace and record everything we hit along the way. The result will be an array of hits. |