class VRController : TrackedObject



The VRController class in the Sandbox.VR namespace represents a VR controller, providing access to its transform, velocity, and various input mechanisms. It is a sealed class, meaning it cannot be inherited.



Member NameSummary
TransformThe transform of the VR controller.
IsHandTrackedIs this controller currently being represented using full hand tracking?
TriggerThe trigger input on this controller.
GripThe grip input on this controller.
JoystickThe primary joystick input on this controller.
JoystickPressThe primary joystick press on this controller.
ButtonAThe primary button on this controller (Usually A, can be X for Oculus Touch).
ButtonBThe secondary button on this controller (Usually B, can be Y for Oculus Touch).


Member NameSummary
GetModelRetrieves or creates a cached model that can be used to render this controller.
TriggerHapticVibrationTriggers a haptic vibration on the controller. Obsolete: Use TriggerHaptics instead.
StopAllVibrationsStop all vibration events on this controller.
TriggerHapticsTriggers a haptic effect on the controller.
StopAllHapticsStops all rumble and haptic events on this controller.
GetJointsGets the joint data for the controller based on the specified motion range.
GetFingerValueGets the value of a specified finger.
GetFingerCurlGets the curl value of a specified finger.
GetFingerSplayGets the splay value of a specified finger.
GetJointDataGets the joint data for the controller. Obsolete: Please use GetJoints().