The VRController class in the Sandbox.VR
namespace represents a VR controller, providing access to its transform, velocity, and various input mechanisms. It is a sealed class, meaning it cannot be inherited.
The VRController class in the Sandbox.VR
namespace represents a VR controller, providing access to its transform, velocity, and various input mechanisms. It is a sealed class, meaning it cannot be inherited.
Member Name | Summary |
Transform | The transform of the VR controller. |
IsHandTracked | Is this controller currently being represented using full hand tracking? |
Trigger | The trigger input on this controller. |
Grip | The grip input on this controller. |
Joystick | The primary joystick input on this controller. |
JoystickPress | The primary joystick press on this controller. |
ButtonA | The primary button on this controller (Usually A, can be X for Oculus Touch). |
ButtonB | The secondary button on this controller (Usually B, can be Y for Oculus Touch). |
Member Name | Summary |
GetModel | Retrieves or creates a cached model that can be used to render this controller. |
TriggerHapticVibration | Triggers a haptic vibration on the controller. Obsolete: Use TriggerHaptics instead. |
StopAllVibrations | Stop all vibration events on this controller. |
TriggerHaptics | Triggers a haptic effect on the controller. |
StopAllHaptics | Stops all rumble and haptic events on this controller. |
GetJoints | Gets the joint data for the controller based on the specified motion range. |
GetFingerValue | Gets the value of a specified finger. |
GetFingerCurl | Gets the curl value of a specified finger. |
GetFingerSplay | Gets the splay value of a specified finger. |
GetJointData | Gets the joint data for the controller. Obsolete: Please use GetJoints(). |