The PhysicsShape class in the Sandbox
namespace represents a basic, convex shape. A PhysicsBody consists of one or more of these shapes. This class is sealed and cannot be inherited.
The PhysicsShape class in the Sandbox
namespace represents a basic, convex shape. A PhysicsBody consists of one or more of these shapes. This class is sealed and cannot be inherited.
Member Name | Summary |
EnableAllCollision | Enable contact, trace and touch |
DisableAllCollision | Disable contact, trace and touch |
UpdateMesh | Update the mesh with new vertices and indices |
UpdateHull | Update the hull with new position, rotation, and points |
Remove | Remove this shape. After calling this, the shape should be considered released and not used again. |
Triangulate | Triangulate the shape into positions and indices |
HasTag | Check if the shape has a specific tag (Obsolete: Use Tags) |
AddTag | Add a tag to the shape (Obsolete: Use Tags) |
RemoveTag | Remove a tag from the shape (Obsolete: Use Tags) |
ClearTags | Clear all tags from this shape (Obsolete: Use Tags) |
Member Name | Summary |
Body | The physics body we belong to. |
Scale | Scale of the shape (Obsolete) |
Collider | The collider object that created / owns this shape |
IsTrigger | This is a trigger (!) |
SurfaceVelocity | Set the local velocity of the surface so things can slide along it, like a conveyor belt |
EnableSolidCollisions | Controls whether this shape has solid collisions. |
EnableTouch | Controls whether this shape can fire touch events for its owning entity. (Entity.StartTouch, Touch and EndTouch) |
EnableTouchPersists | Controls whether this shape can fire continuous touch events for its owning entity (i.e. calling Entity.Touch every frame) |
IsMeshShape | Is this a MeshShape |
IsHullShape | Is this a HullShape |
IsSphereShape | Is this a SphereShape |
IsCapsuleShape | Is this a CapsuleShape |
IsHeightfieldShape | Is this a HeightfieldShape |
Sphere | Get sphere properties if we're a sphere type |
Capsule | Get capsule properties if we're a capsule type |
SurfaceMaterial | Controls physical properties of this shape. |
Surface | Surface associated with the shape |
Surfaces | Multiple surfaces referenced by mesh or heightfield collision. |
Friction | The friction value |
Tags | Tags associated with the shape |