UseAnimatorControls | Enables or disables animator controls. |
Renderer | The body will usually be a child object with SkinnedModelRenderer. |
ShowCreateBodyRenderer | If true, shows the "create body" button. |
RotationAngleLimit | Limits the rotation angle. |
RotationSpeed | Controls the speed of rotation. |
EnableFootstepSounds | Enables footstep sounds. |
FootstepVolume | Controls the volume of footstep sounds. |
FootstepMixer | Handles the audio mixing for footstep sounds. |
AimStrengthEyes | Determines how strongly to look in the eye direction with eyes. |
AimStrengthHead | Determines how strongly to turn in the eye direction with the head. |
AimStrengthBody | Determines how strongly to turn in the eye direction with the body. |
UseCameraControls | Enables or disables camera controls. |
EyeDistanceFromTop | Distance from the top of the head to the eye position. |
ThirdPerson | Enables third-person view. |
HideBodyInFirstPerson | Hides the body in first-person view. |
RotateWithGround | Enables rotation with the ground. |
UseFovFromPreferences | Uses field of view from preferences. |
CameraOffset | Offset for the camera position. |
ToggleCameraModeButton | Button to toggle camera mode. |
Body | Represents the player's physical body. |
BodyCollider | The collider for the player's body. |
FeetCollider | The collider for the player's feet. |
ColliderObject | The game object representing the collider. |
BodyRadius | Radius of the player's body. |
BodyHeight | Height of the player's body. |
BodyMass | Mass of the player's body. |
BodyCollisionTags | Tags for body collision. |
BrakePower | Extra friction applied when slowing down. |
AirFriction | Friction applied when in the air. |
ShowRigidbodyComponent | Shows the rigidbody component. |
ShowColliderComponents | Shows the collider components. |
WishVelocity | The desired velocity of the player. |
IsOnGround | Indicates if the player is on the ground. |
Velocity | Actual physical velocity minus ground velocity. |
GroundVelocity | Velocity of the ground underneath the player. |
GroundYaw | Yaw of the ground. |
IsClimbing | True when entering a climbing mode. |
IsSwimming | True when entering a swimming mode. |
EyeAngles | The direction the player is looking. |
EyePosition | The player's eye position in first-person mode. |
EyeTransform | The player's eye transform in first-person mode. |
IsDucking | True if the player is ducking. |
Headroom | Distance from the top of the head to the closest ceiling. |
GroundObject | The object the player is standing on. |
GroundComponent | The collider component the player is standing on. |
GroundSurface | The surface the player is standing on. |
GroundFriction | Friction of the ground the player is standing on. |
GroundIsDynamic | True if the ground is physically dynamic. |
TimeSinceGrounded | Time since the player was last on the ground. |
TimeSinceUngrounded | Time since the player was last not on the ground. |
UseInputControls | Enables or disables input controls. |
WalkSpeed | Speed of walking. |
RunSpeed | Speed of running. |
DuckedSpeed | Speed when ducked. |
JumpSpeed | Speed of jumping. |
DuckedHeight | Height when ducked. |
AccelerationTime | Time to accelerate to the requested speed. |
DeaccelerationTime | Time to deaccelerate to the requested speed. |
AltMoveButton | Button to switch between running and walking. |
RunByDefault | True if the player runs by default. |
EnablePressing | Allows interaction with objects by using them. |
UseButton | Button to use objects. |
ReachLength | Distance the player can reach to use objects. |
UseLookControls | Enables camera movement with the mouse. |
PitchClamp | Clamp for the pitch angle. |
LookSensitivity | Modifies the eye angle sensitivity. |
Mode | Current movement mode of the player. |
Hovered | The object currently being looked at. |
Pressed | The object currently being used. |
StepDebug | Enables debug overlays for the character. |