A model scene object that can be rendered within a SceneWorld.
A model scene object that can be rendered within a SceneWorld.
Member Name | Summary |
Delete | Delete this scene object. You shouldn't access it anymore. |
AddChild | Add a child scene object with a specified name. |
RemoveChild | Remove a child scene object. |
SetMaterialOverride | Set a material override for this scene object. |
ClearMaterialOverride | Clear all material replacements. |
SetMaterialOverride | Set a material override with specific attributes. |
SetMaterialGroup | Set the material group for this scene object. |
Member Name | Summary |
Attributes | Render attributes of this scene object. |
World | The scene world this object belongs to. |
Transform | Transform of this scene object, relative to its parent or SceneWorld if parent is not set. |
Rotation | Rotation of this scene object, relative to its parent or SceneWorld if parent is not set. |
Position | Position of this scene object, relative to its parent or SceneWorld if parent is not set. |
Bounds | Set or get the axis aligned bounding box for this object. |
LocalBounds | The world bounds translated to the local position. Note that this does NOT do any scaling or rotation. |
RenderingEnabled | Whether this scene object should render or not. |
ColorTint | Color tint of this scene object. |
Parent | Movement parent of this scene object, if any. |
Model | The model this scene object will render. |
MeshGroupMask | State of all bodygroups of this object's model. |
Batchable | This object is not batchable by material for some reason (example: has dynamic attributes that affect rendering). |
Flags | Access to various advanced scene object flags. |
RenderLayer | For a layer to draw this object, the target layer must match (or be unset) and the flags must match. |
Tags | List of tags for this scene object. |
Member Name | Summary |
ClipPlane | Clipping plane for this scene object. Requires ClipPlaneEnabled to be true. |
ClipPlaneEnabled | Whether or not to use the clipping plane defined in ClipPlane. |