class SceneObject



A model scene object that can be rendered within a SceneWorld.


Instance Methods

Member NameSummary
DeleteDelete this scene object. You shouldn't access it anymore.
AddChildAdd a child scene object with a specified name.
RemoveChildRemove a child scene object.
SetMaterialOverrideSet a material override for this scene object.
ClearMaterialOverrideClear all material replacements.
SetMaterialOverrideSet a material override with specific attributes.
SetMaterialGroupSet the material group for this scene object.

Instance Properties

Member NameSummary
AttributesRender attributes of this scene object.
WorldThe scene world this object belongs to.
TransformTransform of this scene object, relative to its parent or SceneWorld if parent is not set.
RotationRotation of this scene object, relative to its parent or SceneWorld if parent is not set.
PositionPosition of this scene object, relative to its parent or SceneWorld if parent is not set.
BoundsSet or get the axis aligned bounding box for this object.
LocalBoundsThe world bounds translated to the local position. Note that this does NOT do any scaling or rotation.
RenderingEnabledWhether this scene object should render or not.
ColorTintColor tint of this scene object.
ParentMovement parent of this scene object, if any.
ModelThe model this scene object will render.
MeshGroupMaskState of all bodygroups of this object's model.
BatchableThis object is not batchable by material for some reason (example: has dynamic attributes that affect rendering).
FlagsAccess to various advanced scene object flags.
RenderLayerFor a layer to draw this object, the target layer must match (or be unset) and the flags must match.
TagsList of tags for this scene object.

Instance Fields

Member NameSummary
ClipPlaneClipping plane for this scene object. Requires ClipPlaneEnabled to be true.
ClipPlaneEnabledWhether or not to use the clipping plane defined in ClipPlane.