Destroy | Destroy this component, if it isn't already destroyed. The component will be removed from its GameObject and will stop existing. You should avoid interacting with the component after calling this. |
DestroyGameObject | Destroy the parent GameObject. This method helps clarify that calling Destroy only affects the Component, not the entire GameObject. |
Reset | Resets the component to its default state. |
EditLog | Called when something on the component has been edited. (Obsolete: Use Scene.Editor.UndoScope or Scene.Editor.AddUndo instead.) |
Invoke | Invoke a method in x seconds. Won't be invoked if the component is no longer active. |
AddComponent | Add a component to this GameObject. |
GetOrAddComponent | Add a component to this GameObject if it doesn't already exist. |
GetComponent | Get a component on this GameObject. |
GetComponents | Get components on this GameObject. |
GetComponentsInChildren | Get components on this GameObject and on descendant GameObjects. |
GetComponentInChildren | Get component on this GameObject or on descendant GameObjects. |
GetComponentsInParent | Get components on this GameObject and on ancestor GameObjects. |
GetComponentInParent | Get component on this GameObject and on ancestor GameObjects. |
Serialize | Serialize this component to a JSON node. |
Deserialize | Deserialize this component from a JSON node. |
DeserializeImmediately | Deserialize this component immediately, updating GameObject and property references. |
JsonRead | Read JSON data into this component. |
JsonWrite | Write this component's data to JSON. |
Scene | The scene this Component is in. This is a shortcut for `GameObject.Scene`. |
Transform | The transform of the GameObject this component belongs to. This is a shortcut for `GameObject.Transform`. |
GameObject | The GameObject this component belongs to. |
Components | Access components on this component's GameObject. |
Enabled | The enable state of this Component. This doesn't tell you whether the component is actually active because its parent GameObject might be disabled. |
Active | True if this Component is enabled, and all of its ancestor GameObjects are enabled. |
IsValid | Indicates whether the component is valid. |
OnComponentEnabled | Action triggered when the component is enabled. |
OnComponentStart | Action triggered when the component starts. |
OnComponentUpdate | Action triggered when the component updates. |
OnComponentFixedUpdate | Action triggered during the component's fixed update. |
OnComponentDisabled | Action triggered when the component is disabled. |
OnComponentDestroy | Action triggered when the component is destroyed. |
Tags | Tags associated with this component. |
DebugOverlay | Allows drawing of temporary debug shapes and text in the scene. |
Flags | Flags associated with this component. |
Id | The unique identifier for this component. |
LocalTransform | The local transform of the game object. |
LocalPosition | The local position of the game object. |
LocalRotation | The local rotation of the game object. |
LocalScale | The local scale of the game object. |
Network | Network accessor for this component. |
IsProxy | True if this is a networked object and is owned by another client. |
ComponentVersion | The version of the component. Used by JsonUpgrader. |
WorldTransform | The world transform of the game object. |
WorldPosition | The world position of the game object. |
WorldRotation | The world rotation of the game object. |
WorldScale | The world scale of the game object. |